Environmental Litigation related to Road Safety, Highways and Public Domain
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Environmental Litigation related to Road Safety, Highways and Public Domain
- Litigation related to driving and navigating licence
- Law and litigation related to motorized sports
- Litigation related to local traffic restrictions
- Sites for travelling people
- Private occupancy of the public domain (Investigation or analysis bureau for the safety of civil aviation or BEA’s matters, temporary occupancy licence, parking permit)
- Protection and use of the public maritime domain (coastal law, Integrated Coastal Zone Management…)
- Departmental plan of walking and hiking itineraries (French PDIPR)
- Departmental plan of motorized tour itineraries (French PDIRM)
Green Law Avocats LILLE
ROUBAIX 84, Bd du Général Leclerc 4ème étage, Paraboles 59100 ROUBAIX Case palais : n° 357 |
+33 (0)6-37-80-80-16 +33 (0)9 72 19 23 56 (Fax) |
david.deharbe@green-law-avocat.fr |
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